Sunday, August 19


I discovered today that a cheap alternative to magic mushrooms is being physically forced out of a most intense dream concerning a young Truman Capote, other dimensions, the history of the world as visually told by Dr. Seuss, and superpowers.

Eating spagetti and watermelon with my grandmother and other extended family has never felt so crazy!

The more realistic surreality of the day, however, has come from the fact that it is my second-to-last. All of these blank walls and absent objects are strange enough by themselves, but it is far stranger to see certain people around me and consciously know it may be the last time I ever do. Acquaintances take on new and short-lived meaning.

Which is why the festival last night was weird. There are no real goodbyes to true friends, but something gets extinguished with departure-- and the more that's extinguished, the less I can envision my life in the future. It is a scary feeling.

But my report: Brothers & Sisters completely stole the show. Unlike their recordings, their live show is like evolved Fleetwood Mac that makes you feel the way the Polyphonic Spree would make you feel if they were mixed with pure mountain sunshine. The Theater Fire was obviously incredible as well; I love the sort of simple silliness in the new songs, as well as their professional yet good-humored execution of everything they play. I liked Matthew & the Arrogant Sea, but not as much as I liked hanging out with them at four in the morning. Dust Congress was okay; I loved their Jim James-y vocalist, but their set was pretty monochromatic. The Sound Team guy's band was terrible.

And grasshoppers in Denton are huge.

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